The Castle of Kimolos


Folk and Maritime Museum of Kimolos

Folk and Maritime Museum

Folk and Maritime Museum of Kimolos

Founder: Dr Manolis A. Christoulakis

Folk and Maritime MuseumxristoulThe museum is located in the traditional Castle of Kimolos (Kastro), in a two-storey private house, the dowery of his mother Maria, wife of the lieutenant Aristidis and daughter of the captain Michalis Sardis and his wife Anna. The aim of the Museum is to save and preserve whatever has been left of the old heritage and popular culture of Kimolos and to deliver it to the coming generations. It was fully restored and reestablished, keeping its primitive arrangement.

In the ground floor, there are a big hall and a small room. the founderIn the big hall several items are classified to there use and the professions the served. In metallic showcases ornate embroideries, weaving textile etc. are on display and well protected. All the above items have been hand-made by house-wives of Kimolos during past centuries.

In special “corners” have been arranged tools of different professions such as farmer’s carpenters, shoe-makers, tailors etc. Various items as balance staters glass jars, pottery and other small things, have been displayed. In other showcases we can admire old dishes, pottery and china ware.

In the small room there are two hand-looms “in working condition” and other relevant tools.

Folk and Maritime MuseumOn the first floor several objects (offered by compatriots) and the authentic pieces of furniture of founder’s mother, give a proper idea of a typical house in Kimolos in the past centuries. In the corridor of the upper floor we can admire “the nautical corner” with the “memorial column” of Kimolian skippers of the past and paintings’ photocopies of small sailing boats as well several nautical instruments.

There is also a historical drawing, presenting the victorious sea-battles of the Greek fleet against the Turkish fleet (Sea-battles of “ELLIS” Dec.3rd 1912 and of “LIMNOS” Jan.1st 1913).

The “popular culture and Nautical Museum” of Kimolos was completed in a year’s time with expenses and personal labour of the founder as well as the cooperation of some patriots, without sponsors and any granting of the State. It was very moving the willingness of our co-patriots to offer many objects and help to the Museum.



English translation by Manolis Peloponisios